Dreaming in Form

Dreaming in Form

I only dream of you.

I only dream at home,
With you right by me,
Lying, curled-alpha, with the cats:
Snore-purring in bleary slumber.

I only dream at home,
Awake, asleep, naps.
In our shared dawns, nights, noons, and dusks: 
Nostalgia casing overtime.

What we once celebrated in its newness
We now celebrate in its familiarity: 
In repetition.

Hugs, kisses, and naked stuff.
Dinners and lunches.
Trips to Publix.
Long bike rides.
Top Dollar.
X’s and O’s.

Hellos and see-ya-laters.
Chili and pot roast.
Judge Judy.
Teasing Luna.
Treating Francis.
Basil, mint.
Big Brother. 
Garth Brooks, Trisha.

As much ours as sunshine, firm ground and fresh air:
Ours by adoption, owned jointly, bred domestically:
Partnered uniquely.

I only dream at home,
Our base together,
The safest place I’ve ever known:
The only place I’ll ever need.

I only dream at home,
In recollection,
In hopes for today’s tomorrows:
In the nowness of everyday.

My dreams come true with you.


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