Odd Bless

Odd Bless

Odd, man,
Out of nowhere,
Or out of somewhere
I’d long-imagined away.

Strange man,
Cartoonish being,
Familiar scripts read
And then discarded, lost play.

Whoah, man,
Empty promising
From our basest fears,
Greatness fictions gone away.

Just-right gendered,
Too-flawed character,
Swirled in tired tropes: wasted day.

Words fail us,
            Bathed in tears,
Like false reality idols,
Like institutional politics,
Like pusillanimous  press,
            Meowing like kittens
            Chasing nips and ratings,
Like disarmed militia,
Like faithless prayers
            For a haughty people
            Suckled by a denuded Earth:
Words fail us,
            Bathed in fears,
On deaf ears,
            Even as trumpets blast,
            From atop walls, atomic.

Awed, man,
By what we’ve done
Democrats tattered,
Republicans thrown away.

Great, man?
Different cloth-cut,
            Shaking the world,
            Tectonic shifts,
            Quaking, lamenting,
Naked emperor exposed,
            Jaundiced, small-handed,
            Heavy -handed.
Ready to build?
Build, man.
From foundations,
Not quite forgotten:
American way.
Come, go:
Build with us
God forgive, God bless
       The USA.

Read more of my poetry, essays, and stories at Momentitiousness.com


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