Manchester in July or Memere’s Song In The Round
Manchester in July or Memere’s Song In The Round
Rushing against a still sunset,
Along the Bridge d’Notre Dame,
Frère Jacques
A west wind of my own making,
On an otherwise still afternoon.
The sun urges, head-on:
The coursing Merrimack
Smacks concrete pilings,
Smoothing crags,
Underfoot: Sediments
Leak from Winnipesaukee,
Emptying to the Gulf of Maine.
Sightlining phantasms
From Amoskeag Mills:
Master plans, river-bent.
Caught by a quick duskshower,
A small-dropped mister.
Long enough to soak,
Light enough to cover,
Right enough to wash:
Northwest to Southeast,
From Montreal to America,
Refilled streams
Along the way to safe harbors:
Manchester in July:
Queen City promises.
Consorting with present ghosts of:
A river half-crossed,
Ambling, un-shored-ly.
Clipping the damp night head-on,
Capricorn ascendant now,
Moon moving across the horizon,
Responsibility and duty ahead,
Familiar rays-to-beams:
Bowing relations,
Routing Midsummer parades.
Celebrating pleasantries,
With Sparklers streaking,
Sonnez les matines
Connecting dots,
To generations past:
Recollecting, spirits,
Dionne to Youville to Rimmon,
Bare granite exposed.
Pressing on to dawn again,
You are my sunshine,
Resting somewhere near Elm,
Disoriented in deja voodooism,
My only sunshine.
Unguided, unmapped, signalless,
Hip-deep in the deluge,
That crack in that sidewalk,
That porch on that house,
You make me happy when skies are grey
That hill, that slope, that curve,
You’ll never know, dear,
Rounded bends refilled,
Waters pooling,
Puddles emptying,
, How much I love you.
Baptized by the Queen,
Fresh starting again.
Please don’t take
My sunshine away.
Ding dang dong.
Ding dang dong.
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