

I, too, am undocumented—
A waking dream of the Almighty—
Who knew me before there was a me,
Who, in his everlasting perfection:
Inscribed me upon the Cosmos-
As his child, 
As citizen
Of eternal paradise.

Let me in!

I, too, am undocumented—
A protosite upon rising tides—
On glaciers and gulfs and desert sands,
On this planet that opened ways for me: 
Evolved amongst roaming dwellers-
Taming fire,
Claiming self
From carbon’s fickle footprint. 

Let me in!

I, too, am undocumented—
Constituted at the origin—
Of Stars and Stripes and Virgin-claimed lands,
History’s refugee; despair’s bright hope: 
A child of huddled caravans-
Burdened, free,
Humanity’s best-made case.

Let me in!

I, too, am undocumented—
Overdetermined, genetic mutt—
Zygote made complete in many wombs,
Clinging to the brick-lined, uterine walls:
Gender-flowing sibling, yet, X-
Self-spilling progeny’s seed.

Let me in!

I, too, am undocumented—
A digital, blipping avatar—
A passing aurality, a phrase
In a temporary symphony:
Asyncopate, re-calling out of tune-
To retain
proving I was—I am!—here. 

Let me in!


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