Lame Duck: Looney Toons and Disney's Vertical Merger

Lame Duck:
Looney Toons and Disney’s Vertical Merger

Neither Daffy nor Donald, 
But animated still,
A sidekick to himself: 
Comic relief in the face of 
Rodents: Mickey and Bugs.
Steamboat Billing. 

That left at Albuquerque,
Or was it Chicago? Hawaii?
All paths have led to DC:
Rabbit holes beget black holes.
Rodents: bought and feckless.
Yosemite’s shooting. 

A new breed, part bred
Of bloods mixed red with red
And white and blue:
American doubtlessly through.
Rodents: bureaucrats, all. 
Pepe’s feline striping. 

Seven years in the making, 
Betraying pragmatism
For legacy and posturing:
Hard lefting, reinterpreting.
Rodents: seekers and rats.
Foghorn shuffling.

Tamany-like in its reach,
Godfather made and making,
Hope marginalized, star fading:
Posturing for replacements:
Rodents: blood stained chompers. 
Minnie pursed-pouting. 

Stacking long-packed boxes 
In creases of office oblongota,
Next to others never opened:
Laws from decrees, by veto’s pen.
Rodents: flushed out by flood. 
Gonzalez speeding. 

Cherry blossom lei’d,
Enjoying his victory lap,
Campaigning finally complete:
Restart in retirement?
Rodents: ducking and lame.
Sequel tour planning. 


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